Charity plays a massive role around the world with all sorts of causes needing support, and Americans will be proud to learn the U.S. was ranked third on the Charities Aid Foundation’s World Giving Index 2022. That said, there must be certain parts of the country which are more giving than others?
After going through and ranking each state on various factors per capita such as charitable contributions, charity organizations, and charity-related online searches, the team at took a break from covering Masschusetts sports betting to give you the answer.

Massachusetts Secures Spot in Top 3
Massachusetts manages to firmly secure the third spot in our index after scoring 87.43. Looking further into this, Massachusetts actually has the third-highest number of public charity organizations with 14,657 across the state. Perhaps unsurprisingly, this also means a lot of people in Massachusetts work in the industry with the state ranking third for having the most charity and voluntary sector employees in the United States.

Which Other States Are Most Charitable?
Coming out on top after totaling an impressive index score of 90.36 out of 100 is Vermont. The state ranks No. 1 for the number of public charity organizations working out to 2.95 per 1,000 people and second highest for charity-related online searches. Interestingly though, Vermont ranks 45th out of 50 in our index for charitable contributions, with donations working out at just $107,360 in total.
Next up, Maine takes the second spot in our index with a total score of 88.16. Delving further into the index data, factors that helped boost its index score include being the top state searching for donation sites as well as ranking fifth for public charity organizations.
Just behind Massachusetts, and taking the fourth most charitable state position, is New York with a total index score of 85.41. Factors which helped land the Empire State in our top 5 include the fact it has the second highest number of people working in the charity or voluntary sector, falling behind only Rhode Island. People from New York don’t just talk the talk either, with the state ranking sixth highest for charitable contributions at around $3.45 million.
Filling the final position in the top 5 is Texas with an index score of 82.12. Even though the state doesn’t rank in the top 10 for any specific factors, it still displays some strong charitability stats including being the location of over 25,000 public charity organizations. Texans are also clearly interested in supporting causes as the state ranks in the top half for charity-related online searches.
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To discover America’s most charitable states, we acquired data on several key factors: Charitable contributions, number of charity organizations, number of people employed in the charity/voluntary sector, Google search volume for Top 100 U.S. Charities, Google search volume for donation sites and search interest for charities, shelter support, food bank support, fundraising and volunteering. These factors consisted of 10 individually weighted metrics, which added to the value of 100.
- Charitable Donations (Per Capita) = 20 (the number of total charitable donations, according to IRS).
- Number of Public Charity Organizations (Per Capita) = 15
- Charity/Voluntary Sector Employees (Per Capita) = 15
- Google Searches for Top 100 Charities (Per Capita) = 12.5
- Google Searches for Donation Sites (Per Capita) = 12.5
- Google Search Interest – popularity of keywords: “Charites” = 5; “Shelter Support” = 5; “Food Bank Support” = 5; “Fundraising Support” = 5; “Volunteering Support” = 5.
We combined the weighted scores of each factor, for each state, to provide a final index score out of 100. The higher the score, the more giving the state.

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