The fourth hearing for a long-awaited new retail sportsbook in Massachusetts sports betting revealed a shocking turn of events.
Interim Executive Director Todd Grossman delivered the news during public meeting No. 472 of the Massachusetts Gaming Commission (MGC) on Friday morning.
As of Thursday, Aug. 17, Caesars Sportsbook terminated its operating lease agreement with Massasoit Greyhound Association (MGA) that spelled out terms and conditions for it to operate the retail sportsbook at Raynham Park. They also filed a request to withdraw as a qualifier to operate the sportsbook.
During the third day of hearings back on Aug. 1, the MGC voted to delay Caesars Massachusetts license review for two weeks, culminating in today's announcement.

IEB Review Revelations
The delay was prompted over a request made by Raynham Park’s parent company — MGA — to withdraw Christopher Carney as a qualifier. MGA asked that Carney and a trust involving Carney be withdrawn as an applicant after a report was issued by the Investigation and Enforcement Bureau (IEB).
The two previous hearings on the application were held on June 12 and June 20 for a complete timeline.
The IEB review of MGA/Raynham Park's license revealed that Carney owns 40% of MGA/RP, which his family has owned since 1966.
The family has had a history of environmental infractions with the Commonwealth, and Carney withheld information about various Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) issues concerning his company — Patriots Recycling — that impacted the application.
Previously, Carney had said he “assumed” a management role and would oversee the sportsbook.
In the review, “Patriot Recycling continues to be out of compliance” with the state’s DEP rules concerning handling and recycling of materials, which was subsequently moved to a residence in Rehoboth under Carney’s guidance.
What was moved? Between 200-300 truckloads of sludge were transported to wetlands on a private residence before it was moved back to Raynham Park.
Originally, none of this information was disclosed.
The Raynham Park sportsbook, which would have been the fourth retail sportsbook in the Commonwealth, is now indefinitely on hold.
The first three: Encore Boston Harbor (WynnBET Massachusetts), Plainridge Park (Barstool Massachusetts Sportsbook) and MGM Springfield (BetMGM) launched on Jan. 31.
Mobile sports betting launched March 10.